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Business Meeting

Business Meeting

How do we join?

Please complete the attached form and return to us by email or post. Once we have received your application form, we will arrange a meeting with the local practice manager to discuss what options are best suited to your organisation. Once this is agreed, you account can be up and running in as little as five days.

Why should you invest in your employees' eye care needs?

What the law says about

corporate eyecare?

The law introduced a wide range of measures to improve the conditions for all employees who work with a VDU (visual display unit) for a significant part of their working day. Health and Safety regulations oblige employers to provide eye examinations and spectacles to certain sections of the workforce. The main implications of the legislation include:


• As an employer, you must publicise the DSE regulations to all your staff and provide a copy upon request

• “Habitual VDU users” are entitled to an employer paid eye examination by a qualified optometrist. Vision screening does not satisfy the conditions of the law

• Follow-up eye examinations at regular intervals as recommended by the optometrist (usually every two years). This includes all employees, not just those identified as having problems

• Additional interim eye examinations at any time if an employee requests it or experiences difficulty with their sight

• Eye examinations for all new employees who will be VDU users

• VDU corrective spectacles for employees who need them specifically for the use of a computer

• Your organisation must also ensure that VDU users are provided with adequate information about their entitlement to free eye examinations, as well as the measures you have taken as their employer to comply with these regulations


In complying with this, the employer can demonstrate a commitment to the health and welfare of its employees. Compliance with the regulations also demonstrates that your company is a caring one, leading to improved employee loyalty and motivation. With our solution, you can even choose to extend this benefit to your employees' families at no extra cost to yourself.

Did you know that up to 54% of office workers have to struggle with poor vision before they even lift a finger at work? Those affected are as tired by lunch time as they should be by bedtime. When working for prolonged periods on a VDU, many people will experience problems our optometrists can help with. These may include tired, uncomfortable/itchy eyes, blurred vision, headaches or migraines. Struggling to overcome poorly corrected vision is a tiring business and costs companies dearly in reduced productivity, workplace fatigue and loss of working hours.


A lot of the time, your employees’ productivity can be improved by good advice on "dry eyes", suitable drops and correct positioning of the screen to make it visually comfortable. Statistics show that only 10% of VDU users will require a spectacle prescription for use specifically with the VDU. You are, as their employer, obliged by law to pay for these. You are not obliged by law to pay for their everyday spectacles, which they need for other tasks such as reading or driving, although some employers do choose to contribute as an employee benefit.


Remember, by examining the eyes with our state-of-the-art equipment, we can often detect eye or general health problems before the employee even notices any symptoms. Eye examinations can give early warnings for serious conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and brain clots, which means you’re not only protecting your employees’ eyesight but also providing a valuable health benefit. This allows treatment to take place at an early stage and prevents you losing members of your staff to poor vision or poor health.

Why should you invest in your employee's eye care needs?

Depending on how your organisation operates, there are three simple ways this relationship can work.

Employee chargeback - For organisations that have expense reimbursement procedures in place, the employee can obtain the benefits and discounts available to them upon presentation of their ID card or other ID documents. The employees can then use their receipts to charge relevant cost centres.

• Invoicing - Organisations that
do not operate expense reimbursement policies can provide employees with an authorisation document (example provided in this pack) or vouchers to be presented at the time of the appointment. We will then invoice you at the end of the agreed period for services and frames purchased by your employees. Alternatively, you can choose to purchase vouchers in advance and provide those to your employees to use in store.

• Bespoke - Some organisations choose to have a bespoke corporate set up with a mix of reimbursement for normal sight tests and frames and then a voucher scheme for DSE Assessments.

How does it work?

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